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THREE QUESTIONS with Bobble Tiki: Death By Steamship

Frontman Jason Simplot sits down with the Volcano’s in-house island-themed souvenir

Death By Steamship

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Bobble Tiki isn't above sloppy seconds. He never has been.

While you take a moment to digest all the implications of that statement (and Bobble Tiki means ALL the implications, even the really icky ones from Bobble Tiki's frat days), Bobble Tiki would like to clear his throat, shift uncomfortably in his office chair, awkwardly shrug his shoulders, and then point out that what he means - in this instance - relates to the band Death By Steamship, who will play the New Frontier in Tacoma next Tuesday.

You see, Bobble Tiki isn't the first Volcano scribe to spill ink over Death By Steamship. Far from it. In fact, a wet-behind-the-ears Rev. Adam McKinney first introduced the band way back in late 2009, saying the new group was, "bursting with messy exuberance." Death By Steamship had formed in June of that year.

Fast forward to the present, and Death By Steamship preparing for the "official" release of its debut full length. Some things have changed. Some have stayed the same.

Frontman Jason Simplot was kind enough to sit down with Bobble Tiki this week for three questions ...

BOBBLE TIKI: Probably the best place to start would be the band's debut full-length, S.S. Endurance, which according to the Internets should be available now (unless Bobble Tiki is drunker than he thinks). Talk a bit about what you guys accomplished on the record. Is it what you hoped it would be? Are there things you'd change given the chance?

JASON SIMPLOT: While our debut full-length S.S. Endurance isn't officially out yet, it is up and available for pre-order on our record label's website, I think our main goal with the new album was to continue to grow as a band, to be more definitive in structure, and (to) have a more focused vision on the sound that we were looking for. This is how we intended these songs to be. That said, of course there are a couple of things I'd love to do differently if money and time constraints weren't an issue, but they are. Specifically, I say the word "faches" (not an actual word) instead of "faces" on track six, "Diablo Y Dinero." Phlegm issue? Too much earl grey tea? Who knows. This shit happens.

TIKI: The Volcano originally interviewed you in late 2009. At the time, Death By Steamship was a relatively new band. What has changed since then? How has the group grown? Back then, Rev. Adam McKinney described Death By Steamship's sound as, "sloppy, muffled, drunken art rock." How does that description stack up today?

SIMPLOT: Well, there was a member change in January 2010 when we lost our bass player, Stefan. But his replacement and our good friend, Bobby has fit in seamlessly and compliments our sound much more than anticipated. Other than that, we're just a far more cohesive and consistent unit these days. We could be tighter, more fine-tuned, sure, but comparatively speaking we're much better put together. Part of that is simply showing more restraint at the bar prior to getting on stage. As far as the old description is concerned, we're still dirty but not as sloppy or muffled, drunken art rock is still pretty right on.

TIKI: You bill yourself as a Seattle band, yet you always find a way to play Tacoma? What's the draw? What can people expect from the show coming up at the New Frontier?

SIMPLOT: You know, one of, if not the most under-rated things about being in a band is the fact that it forces you to do things you wouldn't, in places you probably wouldn't be, with people you've never met and may never see again. All for the sake of shaking your sweaty ass and playing as hard as you can for (maybe) thirty bucks in front of (maybe) fifteen people. There might be a better way, but this one is a hell of a lot of fun.

Death By Steamship

Tuesday, June 7, 8:30 p.m., cover TBA
The New Frontier Lounge, 301 E.  25th St., Tacoma

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