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New additions, old traditions

Training in Yakima readies unit

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August was a busy month for the Soldiers of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Division Brigade Support Battalion. The unit began the month by welcoming the brigade Military Police platoon and battalion Personnel Security Detail (PSD) to its ranks.  The unit then got right to work performing one of its core mission functions by providing tactical field feeding support to the brigade during the recent field training exercise at Yakima Training Center (YTC).  

The unit has a history of providing top notch logistical support to the 2nd SBCT) and once again, it did just that. The "Highlander" Field Feeding Teams (FFT) where out in force during this exercise, supporting six separate battalions at various locations throughout YTC.  In total, these teams served well over 100,000 meals. All of this was done in preparation for an upcoming rotation to the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif.

In conjunction, the unit began integrating the Military Police platoon into the organization.  During the training exercise the 32 Soldiers of the platoon participated in 15 convoy escort team missions, multiple real world no notice missions and several iterations during the battalion convoy live fire.  During the live fire exercise these combat MPs were put to the test.  The MPs were able to hone their tactical skills by engaging targets on the move and performing a hasty vehicle recovery during the live fire lanes.  Finally, members of the unit got to utilize for the first time their Armored Security Vehicles (ASV) with an attached gun turret system during the convoy live fire.  

All of this combined with other training helped to prepare the platoon for its follow on mission at NTC and its upcoming deployment.  This time also gave an opportunity for the new command to become familiar with the newly assigned MP's and their equipment.  This exercise was the first time the MPs and the new command team had an opportunity to work together.  The platoon performed well and the command team was able to integrate the equipment and platoon capabilities into company operations, making this FTX worthwhile.  

Performing admirably beside the MPs where the members of the battalion's very own PSD.  These hand selected volunteers have undergone an intensive week long course that teaches advanced techniques in first aid, communications, combatives, marksmanship, vehicle recovery and teamwork.

Photo caption: Sgt. 1st Class Pulley watches training from the top of an armored security vehicle. Photo courtesy of 2nd SBCT

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